So, April is coming soon. This is the anticipated time for most teachers in GM. Eg-tukar time!
This is my story last year. I am just sharing my experience.
First of all, my cikgu data will put up notices about the opening of eg-tukar and the importance of updating e-operasi. What is e-operasi you might ask? From my understanding, it is an online data about yourself, your background, experience and etc.
So, after checking and asking my cikgu data, he said for new teachers must go PPD to get the password. He provided me with the number and I texted him and we managed to set a time to meet at his office. He was kind enough to entertain me. He reminded me that the chances of me getting out was very slim but I could try. I said I figured that part out but there's no harm in trying and there's a chance for the Kelantanese coming in with me going out.
So after he asking me some questions about my background making sure whatever my guru data had key-in is correct. He set the password up for me. We talked a bit but he was okay and nice.
So, I told K.A, Saqinah, Syaz and Felicia to do the same. So, they went together the next day. As for Felicia, hers was as easy as mine. But for the primary troops the Mr. Pengurusan Sekolah Rendah refused to give the password. REFUSED. So, while Felicia got hers, the rest did not.
Yes, it is important to have your e-operasi done.
Then, when the day come, you fill in necessary requirement and print three copies. And one for yourself if you want. All three copies send to Mr. Kerani for my school since he will make sure the pengetua signs it. Some hand-in directly to Mr. Pengetua but he is a busy man. Make sure you send in all the evidences (surat nikah, etc)
My mom said as Guru Besar she only has one column to tick - online as well.
Does the teacher has any disciplinary problems/actions.
And sign the copies.
That's all.
When the time comes, you will know if you get it or not.
Happy trying!