Saturday, June 11

I love him, sometimes

I was on the phone with my younger brother. Laughing and talking aimlessly.

Me : Ayeh, habaq kat kawan Ayeh tuh suara dia tak sedap. Takyah la dok nyanyi.
Arif: Train la.
Me: Huh? Dalam train? Hang pi mana?
Arif: Tak la. Train. Band la. Ayeh pasang iPod. (Laughing)
Me: Dang!

I should trust my brother rite? It's just that I adore Train's singer. He has such an awesome seductive voice. Not like that.

I should trust him.


Lebih kacak dari penyanyi Train (well who isn't?) said...


And I thought he meant "Train la. Latih la. Latih dia bagi dia pandai nyanyi". Oversleeping messes up my brain

alfina said...

yeah it does messsssses wit ur brain.